At Walmart, There Is a Path for Everyone (2025)

At Walmart, we truly believe there is a path of opportunity for everyone. Our philosophy on access to employment and advancement is clear: We believe hiring and promotions should be based on a collection of skills, experiences and attributes, whether acquired on the job, through military and volunteer service, or degrees and certificates.

Working at Walmart provides a path for everyone to unlock their potential, drive their purpose-driven career and enjoy the great benefits and wages that come with the job. We offer opportunity at any stage of your career. Whether it’s your first job, next step or second career, there is a place for you here.

Part-time roles in high school

Walmart associates can gain critical, future-oriented capabilities while they work at Walmart. Students in high school have access to jobs and part-time roles that can serve as a first step to a long, rewarding career at Walmart. Approximately 75% of our U.S. salaried store, club and supply chain management started their careers in hourly positions.

Gain retail experience while in college

Our Home Office (corporate) internship program is set to grow by almost 30% year-over-year. College undergraduates and master’s degree students come from across the country to learn and grow a career in areas such as supply chain, finance, tech, merchandise and HR. Projects are designed to align to specific skill sets and interests, allowing interns to make an impact on the company, our customers, members and associates. Interns can also connect with senior leaders and build relationships. The goal is to have the majority of these interns transition to full-time roles at Walmart after they graduate.

First career after college

This summer, we are piloting a new College2Career program that gives young professionals the opportunity to jump-start their careers by helping to run a multi-million-dollar business: one of our Walmart stores. The program is for recent college graduates and current college students within 12 months of graduating, including Walmart associates.

Participants go through a comprehensive mix of classroom training, hands-on experience and one-on-one mentoring with company leaders as they learn the ins and outs of Walmart and train to be a salaried member of management at a local store. At the end of the program, top performers are offered the newly-created management job of emerging coach – with a starting wage of at least $65,000 a year. College students will be able to step into the role after they graduate, while recent grads will start immediately.

That’s just the beginning. We see the emerging coach role as an additional pipeline to develop high-potential talent into future store managers, the latter role with an average wage of approximately $210,000 in 2021. With College2Career, we are aiming to move emerging coaches to store managers within two years.

Pathways from frontline to Home Office roles

In March, we launched our new Home Office Pathway Experience program, which connects frontline associates currently pursuing a college degree with in-demand roles, in areas such as cybersecurity or merchandising, at our campus offices. The eight-week program helps associates build their networks, develop new or enhance existing skill sets and better understand the company’s corporate support functions. Participants are eligible for a full-time office role after completing and performing well in the program and following the completion of their four-year degree.

Grow on-the-job retail skills at any stage

We have built one of the largest private employer training programs in the country, creating an in-house skilling capability that allows us to train at scale. Walmart’s Academy combines technology, classroom training and sales floor learning to teach on-the-job skills and leadership fundamentals. With more than 200 Walmart Academies nationwide for store, supply chain and transportation associates, we are providing associates training for today’s job and preparing associates for tomorrow’s career.

In addition, we continue to be excited by the associates who choose to grow their retail knowledge while working on the frontline and gaining other skills and education through our Live Better U education program, which is 100% paid for by Walmart.

Second career opportunities

Since 2013, we have hired more than 400,000 veterans and military spouses. Last year, Walmart introduced the free Find-a-Future site to help veterans and military spouses take the next step in their journey and achieve their goals. The program offers experience, education and entrepreneurship pathways: Whether starting a new career at Walmart or starting a business to sell to Walmart, Find-a-Future provides valuable tools to move forward with a second career. More than 300,000 veterans and military spouses have engaged with the Find-a-Future site since its launch last summer.

There are many ways to create your pathway at Walmart, and we love to support you along the way! This week, our stores are celebrating their annual “Associate Promotions” week by recognizing and congratulating associates for all they do, including promoting some associates to new roles in their career paths. No matter what stage an associate is in their career, there is a path of opportunity at Walmart to learn and grow. Now is the time to join us!

At Walmart, There Is a Path for Everyone (2025)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.